Interconnexions électriques
Présentation de la communication [B73]

[B73] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier , "Pseudo-differential links using a wide return conductor and a floating termination circuit", Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), August 10-13, 2008, Knoxville, USA, pp. 586-589.

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     Veuillez noter que, en page 2, colonne 1, lignes 12 à 15, il faut lire "the MTL using as variables the n+1 natural voltages (which are defined with respect to the reference conductor) and the n+1 natural currents flowing on the TCs and on the CC", au lieu de "the MTL using as variables the n natural voltages (which are defined with respect to the reference conductor) and the n natural currents flowing on the TCs and on the CC".

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